Rolf Langebartels
Internetproject Soundbag

update from August 15th, 2002
Chiquilin dreaming
Photo: copyright by Michael Bock
Michael Bock
Chiquilin is dreaming
Chiquilin is a Mexican street dog, a terrier mix, who I found at the local dog pound about ten years ago.
He is a very active dreamer who while asleep gets stimulated to dream by all kinds of noises and sounds, yet even more by music. As he has shown over the years, he strongly reacts to music of Giacinto Scelsi, especially to "Khoom" (1962, sung by the Japanese soprano Michiko Hirayama)and to the late, very fast piano pieces of Conlon Nancarrow, "Studies for Player Piano".

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SOUNDBAG is an internet project by Rolf Langebartels. A collection of items relating to Sound Art and Audio Art. Contributions are welcome. Please send them to the email address below.
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