Rolf Langebartels
Internetproject Soundbag

update from December 5th, 2017
Next week more!
Songbird Competition
Narathiwat Province, Thailand
In every year competitions take place in Thailand with more than thousand songbirds. The birds sit in cages made from bamboo or sometimes in extra designed small pavilions. These are mounted high up using poles and ropes.
For the audition the cages are let down and then the jury judges the modulation of the voices, the melodic contour and the constancy of the singing of the birds. The owner of the winning bird receives a prize money.


Sorry yet no sound recording, it's a pity.
SOUNDBAG is an internet project by Rolf Langebartels. A collection of items relating to Sound Art and Audio Art. Contributions are welcome. Please send them to the email address below.
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