Rolf Langebartels
Internetproject Soundbag

update from May 7th, 2000
World Tune Projekt, Horn Loudspeaker
Wolfgang Neuhaus
World Tune Projekt
"World Tune is a transnational sound machine which constantly generates arbitrary sounds of events and activities from all over the world. It is lively - a permanently transforming sculpture machine which encompasses our entire globe. Horn loudspeakers organically connected to the sculpture arise and disappear in different regions of the planet.
Human sensors track local sound events, record them with the help of microphones and portable audio recorders and finally transfer them to the digital network of the World Tune soundsystem. Other inhabitants of the earth, no matter which particular region of the planet they reside, send the sounds of the World Tune soundsystem to the loudspeaker sculptures. Other visitors to the World Tune loudspeakers and World Tune homepage experience these sounds and decide if they want to change the current sound immediately... "
SOUNDBAG is an internet project by Rolf Langebartels. A collection of items relating to Sound Art and Audio Art. Contributions are welcome. Please send them to the email address below.
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