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Performance Pair

  - from the project Cable Car Music, 1990

Pair is a performance for two players and has a duration of around thirty minutes. The performance has a form similar to that of an automatic theater with objects, which are moved in space.

Two thin steel cables are stretched out on eye level in a distance of half a meter. On each of these steel cables runs a little carriage. During the performance the players can attach different objects to the carriages and can move the objects across the space.


  • Belluard Festival, Fribourg, Switzerland, July 1991
  • Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany, December 1991
  • Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin, Germany, January 1994
  • Festival ganz Ohr sein, Theaterhaus, Jena, Germany, April 1997
  • Festival Experimentelle Musik, Munich, Germany, December 1997
  • Festival Castle of Immagination, Bytow, Poland, June 1998
  • NY, Raum für Kunst und Neue Musik, Berlin, Germany, July 1998
Performance Pair
Performance Pair, Photo: Rolf Langebartels


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